Securing a graduate role with Deloitte - Top tips from Anil

Created on 2 Aug 2018

Huge congratulations to Anil Lad for securing a graduate role with Deloitte. Here he tells us how he got the role, what his application experience was like and also shares a few tips for future applicants to Deloitte.

What made you apply to Deloitte?

I was on the Bright Network website applying to different graduate schemes and saw your graduate fast track programme for Deloitte. Knowing Deloitte is such a huge company with a global reputation I knew I had to apply. It’s one of the world’s leading firms and I wanted to be a part of it. I had heard from a few friends who had worked there that they also had a great company atmosphere that was very sociable. This was exactly what I was looking for too because I quite like being able to be sociable and talk to people.

What did you find to be the hardest part of the application process?

Because I applied on your website for the fast track scheme I had to do a video interview online which I personally found quite tough. It was strange not speaking to a person and being able to get a reaction from them. In interviews if an interviewer wants you to explain your answer more they can ask you to but with this video interview I was never really sure if my answers were expansive enough. I actually much preferred the assessment centre interviews where the interviewer could give me prompts as to where take my answers.

What was the assessment centre like?

All the assessors and leaders of the centre were really friendly and welcoming. They helped create a more relaxed environment which must’ve been quite hard considering we were all nervous! The first exercise was a group project where we were split into groups of about 4 people and given an hour to determine whether an internet company should expand their operations into new countries. Halfway through the exercise the assessors gave us new information to keep us on our toes. After this we had to do a short presentation on commercial awareness before completing some competency-based interviews towards the end of the day.

What 3 tips do you have for fellow Bright Network members applying to Deloitte?

  1. If you know people working at Deloitte or any other firms try and talk to them and get as much information as possible from them about the application process and the company itself. Reach out on LinkedIn if you have to!
  2. Prepare answers for the competency-based interview beforehand. Prepare answers to practice questions you can find online and then try to use these answers in the interview. Definitely have strong examples of when you’ve demonstrated different competencies.
  3. If you have to do a video interview then definitely do some practice ones beforehand so you can get used to talking to a camera.

What was the hardest interview question you faced?

Tell me about a time when you thought of a different way to do something.

Looking to follow in Anil's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Deloitte.

Bright Network member, Anil
Anil, University College London
Deloitte, Graduate Role