Securing an Actuarial role with Deloitte - Top tips from Jack

Created on 13 Jun 2017

Currently in his final year at Bristol studying Maths, Jack took some time out to tell us all about his experiences and how he turned his internship into an Actuary Consultant graduate scheme. 

Why did you choose this company and role?

I applied for the Actuarial consultant role because I’m keen on maths and I thought it would be a good challenge. Deloitte had a big presence on campus so I got to speak to the people and really liked them. I applied for a Spring Week, which led onto a 6-week internship and eventually lead to my grad scheme.

How did you prepare for the application process?

I went through the specific Deloitte competencies and practiced my answers using the STAR technique. The project aspect of the HR interview was harder to prepare for. You have to talk through what you’ve been involved with and be able to apply the Deloitte competencies in your actions during the project.

For my partner interview I was told during my internship how important it was to be detailed and was given some tips like making sure the A4 piece of paper you’re using to present is as professional as possible, using Deloitte branding and being meticulous with the formatting of the document.  

I actually found the interviews really enjoyable, they weren’t intimidating and the people were very personable. I felt that they wanted genuine people for their company too – not someone who tries too hard to fit their mould.

What's your top tip?

I would say that my biggest lesson from it all is that your internship is really like a 6-week interview. Go above and beyond every day to show the best version of yourself.

Looking to follow in Jack's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Deloitte.

Bright Network member, Jack
Jack, University of Bristol
Deloitte, Graduate Actuary Consultant