Graduate insight into securing a Consultancy internship with Deloitte

Created on 5 Jul 2017

Law student Ankita secured a consultancy internship as part of the SVS Scheme at Deloitte through the Bright Network Fast Track.  Read about her experience below.

Why did you choose this firm and this role?

The role seemed a great way to gain an in-depth insight into the commercial world as well as being able to work with a variety of clients in different sectors. I chose Deloitte because it has a great reputation and I believe will provide me with invaluable experiences, especially given their global outreach. Their commitment to your personal career development and focus on providing equal opportunities regardless of gender stood out to me.

What was the toughest part of the application process? And your favourite part?

The toughest part of the application process was the interview. Coming from a legal background my knowledge of business practice was not as great as perhaps expected - there's only so much preparation you can do alongside managing your degree and other commitments! However, having managed to build a rapport with the interviewer I was able to demonstrate my willingness and ability to learn. My favourite part of the interview was the group exercise. We were able to have a good discussion about the task set to us and come up with conclusive answers. It was the more interactive part of the assessment day.

Were you surprised by anything in the process?

How relaxed the interview was! I found it easy to admit when I didn't know the answer to something and to ask for guidance.

What three top tips would you give your fellow Bright Network members?

Read the Bright Network Commercial Awareness updates, engage in conversation with the interview instead of it just being question and answer, always ask questions

What's your lucky charm or pre-interview ritual?

A good breakfast, you don't want your tummy rumbling in the interview!

Looking to follow in Ankita's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Deloitte.

Bright Network member, Ankita
Ankita, London School of Economics and Political Science
Deloitte, Consultancy Intern