Graduate insight into securing a Spring week at Deloitte

Created on 6 Mar 2018

Bright Network member Jali is studying Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology at the University of Cambridge and has gone on to secure a place on Deloitte's Insight Programme.

Why did you choose this firm and this role?

I chose this firm after attending an insight day, provided by upReach, at the Deloitte London office. After this experience, I felt that Deloitte was a company which really cared about its employee experience. I feel that this multi-divisor insight programme is ideal in gaining experience of what working at Deloitte would be like.

What was the toughest part of the application process? And your favourite part?

The online verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning tests were the parts I found the most difficuly. However, my favourite part was probably the Psychometric tests - which use the Firefly game.

Were you surprised by anything in the process?

The fact that Deloitte used Psychometric tests, and that there was no interview.

What three top tips would you give your fellow Bright Network members?

Apply for every opportunity, pursue your interests and be engaged!

Do you have a lucky charm or pre-interview ritual?

Not sure I have one!

Looking to follow in Jali's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Deloitte.

Bright Network member, Jali
Jali, University of Cambridge
Deloitte, 'Spring into Deloitte' Insight Programme