Lewis' insight into securing a role with Lloyds Banking Group

Created on 23 Nov 2021

We recently caught up with Lewis about how he secured a role with Lloyds Banking Group and his top tips for Bright Network members looking to follow in his footsteps.

Why did you choose Lloyds Banking Group?

I chose Lloyds Banking Group for two main reasons. The first of these came down to the impact, diversity and culture of the company. LBG is one of the largest companies in the UK, housing many recognisable names such as Lloyds Bank, Halifax, Bank of Scotland and Scottish Widows. However, after looking more into the group’s values, goals and community work I knew that it would be a perfect fit for me. The purpose of LBG is to “Help Britain Prosper”, which truly resonated with me and is something I will strive to do. The second reason was the incredibly varied commercial banking graduate scheme on offer. When I looked into the scheme it allowed me to rotate through 4 different teams over 2 years whilst also studying towards a professional qualification of my choice. I am thrilled to have been given this opportunity and excited to develop key skills in a variety of roles.

What can I expect if I apply to Lloyds?

There are quite a few stages involved when applying to the graduate scheme. The first stage is to fill out your initial application, which doesn’t require a CV/cover letter, unlike some other programs you may apply to. After this, you must complete some tests that assess your ability to work with numerical information, solve problems and interpret pieces of writing. I would recommend practising these psychometric tests beforehand if unfamiliar, as they can be very different to anything you’ve done before. You will receive feedback regardless of success at this stage, but should you pass you will be invited to complete a video assessment. After this is the last stage – the assessment centre. This is the point at which you get to interact with people from LBG and show why you should be offered a place on the graduate scheme. A few weeks after this you will receive a call to communicate the outcome of the assessment centre.

What three tips would you give to Bright Network members to follow in your footsteps?

Be passionate. Bringing energy and passion to an interview will almost always come across better than someone who seems like they would rather be anywhere else. In video interviews, this can be a harder task, but just remember to look into the camera, speak clearly and use things like hand gestures to bridge the lack of a physical presence. A caveat to this point would be not to overdo it!

Be prepared. This can take a variety of different forms. I would first take some time to think about why you really want this role, then try and formulate this into words. If you are unable to express the reasons you want a role, trying to convince someone else that you deserve a chance is a much tougher challenge. After you have your reasoning, do further research to find out more about the company and job. This will help you understand the role more while adding invaluable information to use in future conversations/interviews.

Be yourself. Following from the previous point, it is very difficult to convince someone you should be offered a role if you are pretending to be someone you’re not. Interviewers understand that you are not a robot, so don’t be afraid to show them who you really are and why you would provide a great addition to their company – authenticity is appealing! Chances are, they’re more likely to want to work with the real you than any persona you may believe they want to see.

Did Bright Network help you in your career journey? If so, how?

Bright Network offered so many brilliant resources that helped me decide on the career I wanted to pursue. I attended the first of Bright Network’s virtual internships during the summer of 2020, along with countless other online sessions with alumni of Bright Network. These resources offered amazing insights that allowed me to go away and plan my career. In addition, Bright Network has numerous job postings on their website for both graduate schemes and internships, providing an easy location to apply for a whole range of programs. I would definitely encourage students to browse these pages if they are actively seeking new opportunities.

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Looking to follow in Lewis's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Lloyds Banking Group.

Bright Network member, Lewis
Lewis, Durham University
Lloyds Banking Group, Specialist Client Solutions Analyst