Securing a graduate role with Deloitte - Top tips from Mia, a FS Apps Techonology Consultant

Created on 6 Mar 2018

Exeter graduate Mia has secured an exciting graduate scheme at multinational firm Deloitte. She offers some great insight into the application process which you can read below.

Why did you choose this firm and this role?

Choosing a career, let alone a firm is difficult enough when coming out of university. I decided to base my applications on what I felt was most important to me. Company culture. Deloitte consistently scored top marks with many other graduates, emphasing not only the opportunities to grow a career, but also the social side. After choosing a firm with a great culture, my next property was to choose a role that allowed me to travel, create client relationships, use logical thinking, and fundamentally make a difference. This where I felt becoming a consultant is technology would be a perfect fit for me.

What was the toughest part of the application process? And your favourite part?

The toughest part of the application was probably all the waiting. Don't get impatient and have faith. Your time will come. My favourite part was meeting current Deloitte graduates as well as other applicants!

Were you surprised by anything in the process?

I was surprised at how friendly everyone is. It is far less scary than your mind imagines before the day!

What three top tips would you give your fellow Bright Network members?

Apply early, apply with enthusiasm, be personable.

Do you have a lucky charm or pre-interview ritual?

A cup of green tea.

Looking to follow in Mia's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Deloitte.

Bright Network member, Mia
Mia, University of Exeter
Deloitte, FS Apps Techonology Consultant