Securing a graduate analyst role with Deloitte - Top tips from Hawo

Created on 10 Aug 2017

We were delighted when we heard that Hawo had secured a Consulting Graduate Analyst role with Deloitte through our Fast Track Scheme! Hawo kindly gave us a great insight into why she chose Deloitte, how she prepared for the application process and why being a Bright Network member can truly help you with your career.

Why did you choose this company and this role?

Deloitte stood out with its phenomenal culture from the get go. From the networking drinks Bright Network organised in my first year with Deloitte, to the summer vacation scheme the following year, I always felt like being inquisitive, open and positive were encouraged qualities and part of the company's atmosphere. The people were the best part - enjoying who you work with makes the biggest difference. My summer vacation scheme was one of the best experiences, as I got to work with genuinely caring, intelligent and inspiring people.

Consulting was the ideal role for me as it is very diverse in the project work and the skills you develop - the different service lines and sectors available mean that there is something for everyone. Having studied pharmacology, consulting was also a role in which I could take part in life science and healthcare projects, which would allow me to integrate my interests and knowledge. I knew I wanted to work with science but also engage in people-oriented work, so Deloitte ticked all the boxes! Deloitte also has a fantastic global network and clientele - which means there are ample opportunities to discover where your career could take you.

What were the different stages of the application process and how did you prepare?

I applied through the Bright Network Fast Track scheme, which helped me in getting my application in early, as well as having my questions answered through the community of applicants. First came the online application with the usual CV, questions and details. Following this were the psychometric tests, which were numerical and verbal (although I believe there are now some more tests). The assessment centre was the final stage for the summer vacation scheme, which included a group exercise, case study and competency interview. With the graduate role, you then still have a final partner interview, in which you have to present a brief solution to a question you are given beforehand. 

For the psychometric tests, I practiced online and also tried to just get used to not overthinking my answers and abilities. It's important to remember not to doubt yourself, and that accuracy over abundance is key with your answers – so make sure you prioritise. For the assessment centre and final interview, I researched some possible case studies and examples. A very important part was also having a couple of questions to ask the interviewers and then coming up with a couple more on the spot following their answers. Remembering to also enjoy yourself is important – so try to keep this in mind!

What was the toughest part of the application process and what was your favourite part?

Personally, the toughest part was the wait for the outcome between the stages. Each stage had its own challenges, but waiting and not knowing if you had made it through was oddly unnerving. 

My favourite parts were the interviews - I was very lucky to have met very lovely and experienced individuals who challenged me to think outside the box with my answers, but who also answered my questions very frankly and engaged in conversation. I really enjoy it when I can showcase my personality and get to know more about the interviewer. I am also a fan of public speaking and presentations, so the assessment centres were right up my street. Getting a chance to chat about the field of consulting and my experience at the company in my final interview was also so much fun. 

What three top tips would you give your fellow Bright Network members?

  1. Whenever something gets overwhelming, just take a break and tackle your worries in smaller, manageable bits. Doubting yourself can be your biggest setback, so remember everything that you CAN do. Show them who you are - your personality will be your winning factor!
  2. Do you research - whether it be regarding the company, case studies or your interviewer, it'll be hard for you to be over prepared - but if you feel like you are being pushed at the interview, don't worry - they're just trying to get a feel for how you think.
  3. Stay vigilant and on top of all the opportunities that present themselves - use all possible resources and never stop trying.

What's your lucky charm or pre-interview ritual?

Just reminding yourself of how far you've come and that you have nothing to lose by showing them who you are! If having you favourite cup of tea or wearing your lucky bracelet helps, then go for it - I usually treat myself to a nice meal beforehand, like making my breakfast a bit more special that day.

How did being a Bright Network member help you secure this role?

Signing up to the Bright Network mailing list at my Freshers Fair was the start of it all. Following that, the website, check up calls and the weekly commercial awareness email all helped. The Bright Network festival was also a really good experience, giving me a chance to speak to representatives from each company. 

The mentoring during the application process is also super encouraging and useful - it allowed me to secure another graduate role through Bright Network!

I would not be where I am without Bright Network so if you're reading this, you've come to the right place!

Looking to follow in Hawo's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Deloitte.

Bright Network member, Hawo
Hawo, King's College London
Deloitte, Consulting Graduate Analyst