At Nationwide we are driven by our people. That is why we want to ensure that you have the best possible chance in your application process to secure your role here. Here are a few of our top, hand-picked tips for you – enjoy!
Another pair of eyes – get a friend or family member to have a read through your application before you submit it. Simple spelling or grammatical mistakes can often be missed, so make sure to enlist the help of someone you trust to have a quick scan through.
Don’t wait until the close date to submit your application. If we receive a high volume of applications, we may have to close the advert earlier than expected. So, don’t hesitate; make sure to get your application in as soon as you can.
Practise, Practise, Practise. The more you practice the online assessments the more familiar you’ll become with them. Which should help to ease your nerves when it comes to the real thing! Have a look at the Bright Network Academy for practise.
Be honest when you answer the online assessment question, we want to find out about the real you - not what you think is the answer we want to hear.
What are you proud of and what do you enjoy? These are some of the things to think about before you take your strengths-based interview. We’re looking to find out what you’re good at and what energises you; rather than just looking at what you’ve done in your past we want to look at your potential.
To find out more about Nationwide and view their opportunities, click here.