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Why Norstella? Norstella unites market-leading companies that all have a shared goal of improving patient access. Each organization (Citeline, Evaluate, MMIT, Panalgo, The Dedham Group) delivers must-have answers for critical strategic and commercial decision-making.

Together, we help our clients

  • Assess the market need and competitive landscape
  • Know precisely which drugs to prioritize in their portfolios
  • Find out where the launch difficulties will be—before they’re difficulties
  • Track and improve market access post-launch

By combining the efforts of each organization under Norstella, we can offer an even wider breadth of expertise, cutting-edge data solutions and expert advisory services alongside advanced technologies such as real-world data, machine learning and predictive analytics. At Norstella, we don’t just deliver information and insights. We deliver answers you can act on.

The team

Primal Pictures specializes in providing 3D graphic renderings of human anatomy. Our digital models are meticulously crafted using real scan data from the Visible Human Project, resulting in the world’s most detailed, accurate, and evidence-based 3D reconstruction of human anatomy. Primal Pictures offers a comprehensive platform called Anatomy.tv, which includes web-based access and mobile apps. This resource is trusted by millions of healthcare students, educators, and medical professionals worldwide.

Our Product Management team at Primal comprises a skilled group of Anatomists and Graphic Artists based in London. Currently, we are engaged in a variety of projects, including Embryology, Functional Anatomy, and Accessibility. Primal is dedicated to fostering an inclusive learning environment, our ED&I pledge, accessible here https://www.anatomy.tv/edandi, drives our actions.

This internship will also be supported by consultancy from the EDI committee of the Anatomical Society. Their expertise in ED&I issues within anatomy education will be critical in ensuring that appropriate actions are taken and offer additional opportunities to learn and network. The Anatomical Society (AS), founded in 1887, is a learned society with charitable status. Its aims are to promote, develop and advance research and education in all aspects of anatomical science.

Scope of role

In this internship role, you will be involved in the following:

  • Comprehensive ED&I Action Points: Collaborate with the anatomy team to expand and prioritize the existing action points outlined in the ED&I pledge.
  • Identifying ED&I Opportunities: Evaluate the outcomes published by the Anatomical Society.
    • Identify opportunities to seamlessly integrate teaching on ED&I issues.
    • Collaborate with the Anatomical Society ED&I committee to prioritize which Learning Outcomes to develop further.
  • Developing Additional Content: Create the following content for at least the top three prioritised Learning Outcomes:
    • Script Creation:
      • Write a compelling script to educate students about relevant ED&I issues.
    • Visual Content Development:
      • Develop a brief outlining the necessary images and/or 3D models to illustrate the relevant anatomy.
      • Collaborate with the Graphics team to create these visual assets.
    • Educational Materials:
      • Create a slide deck that faculty can use to teach around these ED&I topics.
      • Storyboard the integration of text and images in preparation for video creation.
      • Explore After Effects for direct video production.
      • Work with the Product Team to plan seamless integration of these resources into our platform.
  • Effective Marketing Campaigns: Collaborate with the marketing department to create campaigns that highlight the positive changes and improvements resulting from ED&I initiatives. These campaigns should resonate with diverse audiences and promote inclusivity.
  • Sales Team Education: Equip sales teams with knowledge about ED&I issues related to anatomy content so that they can confidently engage with customers, answer questions, and promote the value of inclusive anatomical resources.
  • Holistic Learning Experience: Take advantage of the opportunities within Primal to gain insights into anatomy, project creation, and cross-functional collaboration. Engage with various teams to understand the broader context of anatomical content development.

How you'll succeed

  • Comprehensive ED&I Action Points: Clear identification and prioritization of actionable steps from the ED&I pledge.
  • Identification of ED&I teaching opportunities: Comprehensive list of opportunities aligned with the Medical Learning Outcomes
  • Creating of teaching and learning materials: Creation of Slide decks, Storyboards, Images and Movies educating around ED&I issues aligned with at least three Learning Outcomes.
  • Effective Marketing Campaigns: Successful campaigns highlighting ED&I improvements.
  • Sales Team Education: Sales teams confidently discussing ED&I aspects with customers.
  • Holistic Learning Experience: A well-rounded understanding of Primal’s anatomy projects.

What it takes

  • Educational Background:
    • A relevant degree in a field with a substantial focus on anatomy. This could include degrees in medicine, biology, physiology, or related disciplines. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required.
  • Passion for Anatomy Education:
    • Demonstrated interest in anatomy education and a genuine enthusiasm for promoting inclusive anatomical resources.
    • Awareness of the importance of diverse representation in anatomy content.
  • Effective Communication Skills:
    • Clear and concise communication abilities to convey ideas, collaborate with team members, and engage with stakeholders.
    • Proficiency in written and verbal communication.
  • Analytical Thinking:
    • Ability to assess existing content (such as Medical Learning Outcomes) critically from an ED&I perspective.
    • Aptitude for identifying areas of improvement and proposing solutions.
  • Detail-Oriented Approach:
    • Attention to detail when rewriting scripts, sourcing clinical images, and storyboarding content.
    • Commitment to accuracy and inclusivity.
  • Adaptability and Creativity:
    • Willingness to learn and adapt to new tools (e.g., After Effects for video editing).
    • Creative thinking to enhance existing movies and create new content.
  • Collaborative Mindset:
    • Ability to work effectively within a team, especially with the Product Management and Marketing departments.
    • Willingness to learn from colleagues and contribute to shared goals.
  • Awareness of ED&I Issues:
    • Basic understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion principles.
    • Sensitivity to cultural nuances and the impact of representation in educational materials.

What an internship at Norstella can offer you

A successful internship typically involves a combination of personal growth, skill development, and meaningful contributions to the organization. Here's what to expect during your time at Norstella:

  • Learning Opportunities: You will be provided with ample opportunities for learning and skill development. You’ll gain new knowledge about your field of study or interest through hands-on experience, mentorship, training sessions, and exposure to real-world projects.
  • Meaningful Projects: You can expect challenging tasks and projects that are relevant to your skills and interests, allowing you to make meaningful contributions to the organization. These projects will range dependent upon department and experience.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: As a Norstella intern, you will be assigned a buddy, outside of your department, who will help navigate challenges, set goals, and develop professionally.
  • Networking Opportunities: Networking can lead to future job opportunities and valuable professional relationships. During your time with Norstella, you will participate in a 3-day professional learning onsite conference to connect with fellow interns and other professionals within the Norstella organization.
  • Growth Through Feedback and Evaluation: Regular feedback sessions are essential to understand strengths, areas for improvement, and progress toward your goals. Frequent and meaningful feedback will help develop your skills, ensuring you make the most of your internship experience.

Overall, a successful internship at Norstella is one where you will have the opportunity to gain valuable skills and experiences, contributes meaningfully to the organization, and leaves with a positive impression of both the company and the field in which you are interning.