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BrightLive Webinar: How to write a successful application

29 Apr 2020, 4 p.m.

We know it's a challenging time at the moment, but we're committed to supporting your career through the uncertainty of COVID-19. 
That's why we've set up our BrightLive webinar series to run over the coming weeks, covering everything from virtual assessments and application tips, through to how you can boost your employability skills and broaden your network (virtually). Plus, we give you the weekly updates from graduate employers on hiring and their application processes.

What’s happening this Wednesday?

Join us between 4-5pm on Wednesday 29th April, as we speak to former lawyer and writing expert John Trimbos, to teach you how to improve your business writing in a way that sets you apart from the competition when completing applications, as well as when you start your graduate role. Clear and concise business writing is a fundamental skill you'll need throughout your career, and John will be giving you the benefit of his skills and experience to give you some clear techniques to improve yours. With the average recruiter spending 7 seconds reviewing your initial application, John's tips will help make sure you're making the best impression, in a clear and concise way. 

Who’s running the event?

This week we're excited to be joined by professional trainer and writing expert John Timbos. John started his career as a professional lawyer, working at some of the cities top law firms before taking his knowledge and skills into professional training. He trains some of the worlds top professionals on how to improve their writing skills to put forward their point of view in a clear and succinct way. As such, it's a real treat to have him join us to give you a masterclass in how to write to improve you applications, as well as how this can translate to your career and university. 

If you're not confident in your writing skills and want to improve your applications, this is a great webinar for you. 

How do I join?

This is an online webinar, so all you need is an internet connection and a laptop/phone to get involved. We can’t wait to see you there - register by clicking the 'apply now' button - you'll then be sent a link to join the webinar straight to your inbox.

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