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Bright advice for entering the world of work

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You've successfully navigated the application process and secured the role of your dreams. Congratulations! But don't get too comfortable - the real adventure is about to begin.

Going from student to young professional is a big transition, and in this section we'll give you the advice and tips you need to enter the world of work, while avoiding the pitfalls of working life.

Advice on entering the world of work

If you’re starting a graduate role or you’re days away from starting a Summer internship, here’s some key tips for your first day:

  1. Get organised and keep it that way - your first day will be tiring and there will be a lot to take in, but when you get a quiet moment, take the time to get organised - this could be by planning the next day, organising your email folders or colour-coding your calendar.
  2. Be friendly to everyone - first impressions always count!
  3. Network - in real life. We understand this is daunting, but it’s highly necessary, as you’ll be working with or near these people for months or even years to come. Learn how to network effectively with Bright Network Academy.
  4. Get to grips with their technology or systems - the company may use a different system than you’re used to, so take time to familiarise yourself with how it works and if you get stuck, ask a colleague, as they’re bound to give you a helping hand.

If you want to learn more about preparing for your first day or how to manage a typical working day, follow these links below:

How to achieve a work-life balance

Making sure you’re happy and healthy in your role and outside the workspace is vital. Achieving a work-life balance is something that doesn’t come natural to us all, especially if we’re working from home. Here’s some of our best tips to help you achieve a better work-life balance:

  1. Take time away from technology - if you’re staring into a screen for 8 hours a day, try to take up activities or things you enjoy that don’t involve technology. This could be playing a sport outside, going for a jog or reading a new book. 
  2. Understand what your body needs - if you’re finding yourself in an afternoon slump or you’re struggling to wake up on time, take the time to understand what your body needs, as this can be the difference between a thriving or surviving work-life balance.
  3. Spend time with friends - we all have work colleagues we call friends, but it’s important to take the time to meet with friends outside of the workspace.

Learn more about a work-life balance and how to focus on your wellness:

How to make the most out of internships

Internships are not only a great way to get experience and insight into a company, they’re also a great way to see if this is the right industry for you. Here’s some tips on how to make the most out of your internship experience:

  1. Make connections - Making genuine connections can be highly beneficial in the long run and it will also help them to remember you once you leave - you never know, they might ask you back for a graduate job!
  2. Treat it like a real job - although internships are usually lower paid, you need to treat it like it’s a real job. This means, turning up early, looking presentable and putting in the effort to produce the best results.
  3. Speak up - just because you’re an intern, it doesn’t mean you can’t offer your thoughts and ideas - if anything, being vocal and expressing your opinion when it’s necessary can impress colleagues. 

Discover more about making the most out of internships and converting it into a full-time role:

Get prepared to enter the world of work by tightening up your core career skills with Bright Network Academy 

This Bright Network Academy core career skills course will help you build on those core skills that you’ll need throughout your career - from presenting, to learning how to take on feedback. Get prepared for your first day!