BrightLive: Building mental fitness and resilience during lockdown
We know it's a challenging time at the moment, but we're committed to supporting your career through the uncertainty of COVID-19.
That's why we've set up our BrightLive webinar series to run over the coming weeks, covering everything from virtual assessments and application tips, through to how you can boost your employability skills and broaden your network (virtually). Plus, we give you the weekly updates from graduate employers on hiring and their application processes.
What’s happening this Wednesday?
Join us between 4-5pm on Wednesday the 13th May as we speak to mental fitness experts Fika, to help you boost your resilience and navigate some of the psychological challenges presented by COVID-19 and lockdown.
The current COVID-19 situation is testing everyone's resilience, and we know that if you're looking to start out in your career, as well as juggling university, you're probably feeling a lot of pressure at the moment. There's a lot of uncertainty, and we've had lots of students asking similar questions such as: How will I get onto the first rung of the ladder for my chosen career? Will this career even be an option for me now?
Although there are many unknowns and ‘what ifs,’ there are still things that you can do during this time to maintain your mental fitness, in-turn preparing you better for the future.
With Dr Fran Longstaff, learn techniques for maintaining your mental fitness during and post covid19. Learn how to control the controllables and ‘let go’ of the what ifs. And don’t be scared to re-evaluate your future and what you might want from it. During this period you will unlock, and become aware of, inner resources, strengths, values and interests that you never knew you had. With resilience and motivation two key skills employers look for, this is a great oppotunity to learn how to build yours.
Who’s running the event?
This week we'll be joined by Dr Fran Longstaff, Head of Psychology at the mental fitness company Fika. Fran has years of practical psychology experience having worked with elite athletes, as well as holding the position of senior lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire. Working with Fika, Fran's mission is to help improve the mental fitness of students across the UK, by providing tools and resources that you can use to improve your mental health, as well as skills like resilience, confidence and performance under pressure.
Fika is designed to support students in learning practical mental fitness approaches and techniques, and how to apply them to their everyday lives. To support higher education students and staff through COVID-19, Fika has created a ‘Cope with Remote’ psychological support package – available free of charge to all UK universities until December 2020. More detail in this video
How do I join?
This is an online webinar, so all you need is an internet connection and a laptop/phone to get involved. We can’t wait to see you there - register by clicking the 'apply now' button - you'll then be sent a link to join the webinar straight to your inbox.