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BrightLive Webinar: How to ace virtual assessments

27 May 2020, 4 p.m.

We know it's a challenging time at the moment, but we're committed to supporting your career through the uncertainty of COVID-19. 

That's why we've set up our BrightLive webinar series to run over the coming weeks, covering everything from virtual assessments and application tips, through to how you can boost your employability skills and broaden your network (virtually). Plus, we give you the weekly updates from graduate employers on hiring and their application processes.

What’s happening this Wednesday?

Join us on Wednesday 27th May at 4pm as guest speaker Jake Schogger gives all the info you need to ace your virtual assessments. Since lockdown has come in place a number of top employers are still recruiting for candidates virtually, but how exactly do you stand out and impress leading employers through a digital platform? We'll be taking you through our top tips on how best to tackle virtual assessments and the key stages you need to be prepared for, from what to expect from an online assessment centre to the different types of psychometric tests you could face. Finally, we'll be running an extended Q&A to answer any of the specific questions you have about any assessments you have coming up. If you're looking to apply for opportunities at the moment, this event is a must.

Jake Schogger is a former Freshfields lawyer and early careers expert as the founder and author of the City Careers Series. He'll be combining his experience with that of the Bright Network team to make sure we've got you covered for your online applications. 

How will the event work?

The event is virtual and can be accessed from anywhere in the world - you just need a laptop/computer and an internet connection. The event will run as follows:

  • 4:00-4:05 - Introduction and COVID-19 graduate careers update
  • 4:05-4:30 - How to ace virtual assessments
  • 4:30-5:00 - Q&A for your application questions.

How to join

Click the apply now button and register for the webinar. You'll be then sent a link, which will allow you to access the webinar from wherever you are from 3:50pm on Wednesday 27th May. We look forward to seeing you there.