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Starting University 101

20 Aug 2020, 4 p.m.

Welcome to a special webinar focused towards those who have just secured their place at university. This will be a one off session aiming to give you top tips to get started at uni, and how to make the most of your experience. 


Frequently asked questions

What's the webinar about? 

You've done the hard work, navigated a global pandemic, and secured yourself a spot at university. Congratulations! However you may be sitting on the verge of first year and rightly think 'Now what?'. And you're not alone with that feeling.

That's why we're putting on a special webinar to give you everything you need to know about starting university. We'll be giving you tips on how to make the most of your experience, the things you should avoid doing, and ultimately how you can make your time studying something to be proud of. Along with securing yourself a top degree! 

Most importantly, our tips aren't just our own. We've spoken to students at our university society partners from across the country to see what they wish they'd known when they started. You'll also have the opportunity to ask any of the questions you want to know the answers to in an extended Q&A at the end. 

If you'll be starting university for the first time this autumn, this is a great event to join.

When does it take place?

The webinar is taking place on Thursday 20th August at 4pm and will last for an hour. It's an online session so you can attend from anywhere. All you need is a computer/laptop and an internet connection.

How do you book your place?

Click the apply now button and fill in the very short registration form. From there, you’ll be sent a link which will give you access to the event on 3:55pm on Thursday 20th August. For the events in the five part series, you have to register for each separately to secure your place.