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BrightLive Webinar: How do I network in lockdown?

22 Apr 2020, 4 p.m.

We know it's a challenging time at the moment, but we're committed to supporting your career through the uncertainty of COVID-19. 
That's why we've set up our BrightLive webinar series to run over the coming weeks, covering everything from virtual assessments and application tips, through to how you can boost your employability skills and broaden your network (virtually). Plus, we give you the weekly updates from graduate employers on hiring and their application processes.

What’s happening this Wednesday?

Join us between 4-5pm on Wednesday 22nd April, as we speak to networking guru J. Kelly Hoey to answer your most asked questions around how you can continue growing and nurturing your network during the COVID-19 situation. We'll be covering everything from, why your network is important, through to the tactical things you can be doing to reach out across LinkedIn and other platforms to build yours now. Your network is one of the most powerful things you can leverage as you advance your career, learn how to use yours to help you secure those early placements, internships and graduate roles. 

Who’s running the event?

This week we're excited to be joined by careers and networking expert  J. Kelly Hoey, who will be answering your top questions about networking and how you can be building your network during this challenging period. Kelly is a fantastic careers speaker and author having published her own book 'Build Your Dream Network: Forging Powerful Relationships In A Hyper-connected World' as well as regularly featuring in The New York Times,, Fast Company and Inc. She really is one of the world's experts on networking and it's a real pleasure to have her join us for the webinar. 

We'll be putting your most asked networking questions to Kelly over the hour, as well as having her give an update on her top tips. If there's anything you'd like to ask drop us an email at

How do I join?

This is an online webinar, so all you need is an internet connection and a laptop/phone to get involved. We can’t wait to see you there - register by clicking the 'apply now' button - you'll then be sent a link to join the webinar straight to your inbox.

Employers joining us