Apply for Couch to Coder 2024: Learn to code from scratch this summer

Applications for Couch to Coder 2024 are now open. Go from complete beginner to confident coder in just 5 weeks and learn the fundamentals of coding and software development. Plus, gain a certificate of completion for your CV and LinkedIn!

The Highest-ranking energy company in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index

BP goes above and beyond in its commitment to LGBT Inclusivity and has been rewarded as a Top 100 Stonewall UK employer and a Stonewall Top Global Employer.

“Research has shown that staff who feel they can be open about their sexual orientation are more likely to enjoy going to work.

They’re also more likely to form honest relationships with colleagues and that makes them more confident – and, as a result, the research tells us that they are also around 30% more productive, so the benefits to BP are clear.

Pride (The BP LGBT Network) is addressing this through programmes such as ‘Safe Space’, which aims to provide all employees with tools to help them become an active ally and create a safe working space for everyone.

The programme also aims to encourage employees to find the courage to stand up to inappropriate behaviours”

Chris Moody, UK Pride Chair

BP’s commitment to LGBT inclusivity is clear from their internally run initiatives such as a transgender inclusion programme, and in their support of external events such as Pride Parades.  BP is known for its progressive action in facilitating inter-energy awareness, and cross-industry networks on LGBT. As such, BP is now the highest-ranking energy company in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index. The definitive measure of a companies progress on lesbian, gay, bi and trans inclusion in the workplace.

Impressed by BP’s culture? Learn more about where your degree can take you at BP, here