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Meet Mrugaya, DevOps Engineer in Newcastle | Accenture

Book open Reading time: 3 mins

Mrugaya is a DevOps Engineer and Team Lead in the Newcastle office


What is your role and how long have you been at Accenture?

My role at Accenture is primarily as a DevOps engineer (since I joined!) and team lead. I joined the company as an apprentice right after completing my A-levels in 2020 and was promoted to a specialist upon finishing my apprenticeship. The dynamic nature of DevOps ensures that every day brings fresh challenges to solve. I thrive on the constant problem-solving aspect of the role, as it keeps me engaged and allows me to continuously learn and improve.

What has been the single most important thing you learnt so far in your job?

The single most important lesson I've learned in my job is the value of embracing discomfort and seizing new opportunities. Whether it's stepping out of my comfort zone to tackle a new technology or taking on a challenging project, I've come to realize that growth and development often lie just beyond the edge of familiarity. Each role, regardless of its complexity, comes with its own learning curve, and I've found that embracing these challenges head-on is key to personal and professional advancement.

Why should someone join Accenture?

The company culture at Accenture is deeply inclusive and focused on accessibility, ensuring that everyone feels valued and included. We celebrate diversity by recognizing and honouring major holidays from various religions, such as Christmas, Diwali, Eid to name a few.

The atmosphere is friendly and approachable, with regular "open door sessions" with leadership, fostering transparent communication. The diverse range of roles and clients at Accenture ensures that everyone can find a position that resonates with their interests and strengths.

One standout aspect is the thriving Technology Analyst Group (TAG) community, with its committee dedicated to organizing training and events for apprentices and graduates. This community provides great support and tailored sessions to ensure new joiners feel welcomed, find roles they enjoy, and seamlessly integrate into the company culture.

Any tips for anyone who’d like to apply for a role at Accenture?

  1. Research the Company: Take the time to learn about Accenture’s mission, values, and culture. Understanding the company's goals and ethos will help you tailor your application to align with what they are looking for.
  2. Showcase Your Passion: Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and the industry. Whether it's through previous projects, extracurricular activities, or personal interests, highlighting your passion for the work can set you apart from other candidates.
  3. Be Yourself: Let your personality shine through in your application and interviews. Accenture values individuals who are genuine and can contribute to the positive culture of the company.

What team events/socials take place at Accenture?

At Accenture, we’re big on team events and socials. Each quarter, teams are encouraged to share meals together outside of the office, thanks to a dedicated team building budget. Our big Christmas party is a much-anticipated annual event that brings the entire company together for a festive celebration. We also prioritize giving back to the community through charity drives and yearly hikes to raise money for the charity of the year. Wellness is a priority, with activities such as yoga classes, wellbeing consultations and subscriptions to platforms like FiiT and BetterSpace. Thanks to our Sports and Social team, there's always something exciting happening, whether it's participating in sports tournaments, attending monthly socializing events, or enjoying one-off experiences like go-karting, paddleboarding, and wine tasting.