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How to write a one page CV

The majority of graduate employers will ask for a one page CV, however, this is also considered an unspoken rule of thumb for the rest. Keeping ahead of the curve and providing your future employers with only the necessary information is your first step to boosting your job prospects. 

On the face of it, it seems a bit short-sighted of us to limit the amount you tell us. What if you have to miss off something vital just to keep it to an arbitrary side of A4?

But it's not. It's all part of our mission to help you achieve your goals and get the job you want. You are the needle in a hay stack as far as employers are concerned. To be found, you need to get as muchrelevant information before the recruiter’s eyes as possible.

But you have only 6 seconds to do that. 

That's right - each CV will be scanned on average for 6 seconds by a recruiter before being discarded or moved to the shiny acceptance pile (and while we at Bright take a bit longer, we still need the CV to be one page).

A CV is much less about listing everything you've ever done of merit. Instead, it is a summary of your top achievements relevant to the role you're applying for. If your CV is clogged up with other stuff, recruiters in their haste will miss all the relevant reasons why you should be the one offered the job (or an interview at least). 

And it means that when the representatives from, say, the Bright Investment Banking Network such as Citi, Deutsche Bank and HSBC receive your CV prior to the event, they already know your vital statistics. You can then build on that with your dazzling wit, charm and intelligence. Read 10 things to consider when writing your CV.

So if you do one Bright thing this week, be bold and take a chainsaw to your CV!

Struggling to keep it to one page? Try Bright Network's CV Template