Apply for Couch to Coder 2024: Learn to code from scratch this summer

Applications for Couch to Coder 2024 are now open. Go from complete beginner to confident coder in just 5 weeks and learn the fundamentals of coding and software development. Plus, gain a certificate of completion for your CV and LinkedIn!

A few common competency questions

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Competency questions tend to focus upon your ability to showcase the skills that are necessary to succeed in your chosen career. These are usually assessed through asking that you talk about past situations in which you have developed or demonstrated the relevant skills.

Typical questions you may be asked

Technical skills

When have you had to pay close attention to detail? Discuss a time when you have had to negotiate. When have you demonstrated analytical skills when tackling a problem?

Organisation/time management

How do you organise yourself/manage your time? Do you keep a diary? Tell me about a time when you have had to juggle multiple commitments/demands. How did you prioritise tasks?


Tell me about a time when you have received negative feedback. How did the feedback affect you? What did you do after receiving the feedback? Tell me about a time when you have made a mistake.

Communication skills

Discuss a time when you have given a presentation to a large audience. Do you have any networking experience?


Discuss a time when you have worked in a team. How would you deal with a team member that is not pulling their weight? How do you ensure that your voice is heard in a group situation? Have you ever had to boost the morale of a group/team? If so, what strategies did you use?


Have you ever had to lead a team? If so, which challenges did you face and how did you deal with them?

Drive and determination

When have you demonstrated commitment in the face of adversity? Have you ever had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get things done? When have you excelled under pressure?


When have you had to think ‘outside the box’? Have you ever had to demonstrate adaptability to meet expectations? When have you had to adapt yourself to deal/interact with a broad range of people?

Openness to learning/developing

What interests/hobbies are you engaged in outside of your studies? If you had the time and opportunity to learn a new skill, what would it be and why?

By Jake Schogger - City Career Series