The AA

Consumer, FMCG & Retail
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About The AA

The Automobile Association was started over a century ago by people just like you, to provide great drivers with fair treatment.

Today, we’re one of the UK’s best known and most trusted brands. We are the largest breakdown cover organisation in the UK.

Since day one, back in June 1905, our goal has been the same: to protect motorists and put their interests first. We’ve always been determined to go the extra mile for customers, to get their days back on track.

With 15 million members, it’s fair to say we’ve grown a bit. As the UK’s largest motoring organisation, we’re ready for whatever challenge tomorrow brings. From setting up our first motorbike patrols to piloting ‘connected cars’, we’ve always embraced new technology and innovation. We break new (and sometimes surprising) ground, to benefit our customers and our people.

Breakdown cover has always been our number one priority, but we’ve branched out. Our openness to explore new directions means that today we also offer finance, insurance, leisure and lifestyle services.

Join us on our journey and we promise you this: Anything can happen. And if you go the extra mile for us, we’ll go the extra mile for you.

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