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Onboarding In A New Role Remotely

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Starting an apprenticeship at a new job can be a nervous time for anyone. 

Businesses have had to adapt to a new way of working and now expect members of staff at all level to be able to do the same. Getting to grips with digital software and finding the comfort spot in working remotely can take time to get used to. 

But what if you’re a new member of staff? 

With many businesses still hiring under current restrictions (check out our blog on helping businesses to onboard remotely) – new apprentices are having to be onboarded remotely. Removing the comfort of finding your feet within a new environment and meeting colleagues face-to-face. 

LDN have helped a number of apprentices onboard with their new employer under the restrictions set over the past few months. We’ve come up with the best hints and tips to help you start your apprenticeship with a new employer. Making sure you get your apprenticeship off to the best possible to start and setting you up for success. 

Comfortable Environment 

Making sure you have a comfortable space to work is essential. This is where you’ll be spending most of your day – so if possible – make sure there’s as little distractions as possible. 

If there are younger members in your household – this can sometimes be easier said than done! If that’s the case – be honest with your new employer and mention there are younger members where you’re working. 

The best thing you can do is let your new line-manager know and try to find as comfortable environment as possible. 

An office chair is ideal – but not everyone has one to hand in their home. So if you’re not working in an office chair – make sure you’re regularly getting up and walking around or stretching. 

Always Be On Time!  

Punctuality is crucial throughout your time as an apprentice – but making a good first impression is imperative, so making sure you’re on time for all of your Zoom calls sets a great first impression. 

It not only sets a good example – but automatically puts in place an element of trust. If you can’t turn up to Zoom calls on time, how are you meant to be trusted to work remotely and complete much more difficult tasks? 

Have a look at what calls you have at the beginning of the day and make an effort to join the calls two or three minutes earlier. This way – you’ll always be the first on the call and won’t have the awkwardness of joining a call the rest of the team are already on!  

Time Management Apps 

Managing your time and making sure you’re on track with your daily tasks is a great way to plan your days – especially with the distractions that remote working can have! 

Clockify and Harvest are just two useful apps you can use to not only manage your time – but see an overview of what you’re spending your time doing.  

It’s also good for your line-manager to see how you’re structuring your day and how long certain tasks take. Meaning it’s easier to judge whether you’re being given too much work – or not enough! 

Be Patient! 

You’re going to want to get stuck in and start doing some of the tasks within the role immediately – but this may not be possible straight away! 

Your new employer will have had to adapt the new onboarding process for those starting remotely – so it may take a bit longer than normal. 

Don’t be impatient or get annoyed with the onboarding process. It’s in place for a reason and understanding that your new employer has spent a lot of time preparing to onboard you remotely will go a long way in making it as smooth as possible. 

This will take the pressure off your line-manager and those training you as well. Don’t be afraid to offer feedback on your onboarding process as well. This process will be new to them as well, so they’ll appreciate receiving some constructive suggestions.