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Meet Bianca - Account Executive

Book open Reading time: 3 mins

Below, Bianca provides insight into her experience as an Account Executive at Mediabrands. 

What is your role and how long have you been at Mediabrands?  

 My role is an Account Executive in the Rapport OOH Team, and I’ve been a part of Mediabrands for 7 months. 

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background?  

I’m a recent Advertising and Marketing Graduate based in East London and have work experience within FMCG, Recruitment, and Events, with a passion for everything to do with Brands. 

What inspired you to apply for this role/this company? 

Having the opportunity to work for the largest brands in the world was a dream of mine, and Mediabrands made it possible! Being a part of OOH has the added benefit of being able to see the hard work we do in the flesh (or on billboards). 

What has been the single most important thing you learned so far in your job?  

The importance of planning, before starting I completely underestimated the time and effort that goes into campaigns of all shapes and sizes, I’ve really learned to appreciate the process. This has also helped me in my personal life, I’ve now become used to having a calendar invite for everything! 

What would a ‘normal’ day look like for someone in your role?  

Every day is slightly different depending on the briefs I am working on. A typical day would start with planning my “To Do” list and going through my emails, I would then check what briefs have upcoming deadlines and start working on the range of tasks needed to send a plan to the client. This can include creating plans that detail the formats used, creating photo decks to provide visuals and a story to my plans, running Coverage & Frequency to understand the metrics of a plan, and checking competitor information on programs such as Nielson. Throughout the day we will have team meetings, media owner meetings, and company meetings, these can be very collaborative or more informative depending on the subject. When I’m not planning, I will focus on proactive responses for clients, such as sending deals for different media sites, doing industry research, and meeting with Media Owners to discuss ongoing projects. 

What do you find most interesting about the sector/industry you’re in?  

OOH can push the limits of advertising by combining traditional with digital, and new technology is constantly being implemented such as programmatic and dynamic. This growth and constant change means the role never gets boring, we are always finding new ways to do things and the campaigns keep getting more and more creative! 

What is the company culture like?  

The culture is focused on creativity, the company really pushes its staff to have no creative boundaries and allows the campaigns to blossom. This is showcased by the arty events and inclusive talks, such as the Women’s Network. 

How important is diversity to you and what is Mediabrands doing in this space at the moment?  

Diversity is extremely important, I moved to the UK from South Africa when I was younger so knowing the company I work for is made up of talented people from around the globe is really enlightening and means it’s possible to learn about other areas of the world through people. Mediabrands runs a range of talks and events for different cultures, lifestyles, and demographics, making inclusive sessions for the staff to learn and grow an understanding of what makes us all different. 

Finally, any tips for anyone who’d like to apply for a role at Mediabrands?  

Genuity will always shine through, if you have a clear passion for Media, Consumers, and Marketing you will excel at Mediabrands. Just be yourself! 😊 

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