Apply for Couch to Coder 2024: Learn to code from scratch this summer

Applications for Couch to Coder 2024 are now open. Go from complete beginner to confident coder in just 5 weeks and learn the fundamentals of coding and software development. Plus, gain a certificate of completion for your CV and LinkedIn!

Corporate responsibility: Shearman & Sterling

Environmental Responsibilities

Each of our 18 offices operates an environmental awareness and responsibility programme. 

Measures adopted include:

  • Energy reviews to identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions
  • Waste management strategies to promote waste minimisation and recycling
  • Increased sustainable product sourcing
  • Technological alternatives to travel

We work with our suppliers and contractors to ensure they meet our commitment to environmental awareness and responsibility.

Responsibilitites as an Employer

"We value difference, it is the firm's source of ingenuity and distinction"

Diversity and inclusion are integral to who we are and how we do business. We value difference, it is the firm's source of ingenuity and distinction. For more than a decade, we have actively implemented initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion within the firm and the greater legal community. Our workforce represents a cross section of the world community, and the varied backgrounds and perspectives of our lawyers and staff shape our innovative firm culture.

Pro Bono Work

Our dedication to pro bono service is a hallmark of our culture, we are committed to supporting lawyers who want to be of service, and we are proud of the results they are achieving.


"We are committed to supporting lawyers who want to be of service"

We are dedicated to offering pro bono opportunities to all our lawyers in every office. Our multi-jurisdictional practice uniquely qualifies us to address pro bono matters around the world, whether at a San Francisco legal clinic or in Tanzania at the Office of the Prosecutor at the 

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).

Pro Bono Council

Our full-time Pro Bono Counsel and associated staff work exclusively on directing our pro bono efforts and assists in effectively matching the interests of our lawyers with the needs of individual clients and non-profit organisations.

Reading Scheme

In the London office, trainees and associates regularly participate in a weekly reading scheme at a local primary school. A strong relationship has been built up with the school over recent years, and the scheme has proved a very worthwhile commitment for those involved.