- Do you want to hear insights from top female business professionals?
- Are you considering your options after leaving university?
- Would you like to make new connections in the professional world?
If the above is of interest, we would love for you to join us at our Covent Garden office on Thursday 7 December between 5pm-7pm to celebrate women in business and empower the next generation of females embarking on their careers.
Who are Blick Rothenberg?
Blick Rothenberg are a leading tax, audit, accountancy, and business advisory firm founded on personal integrity and technical expertise. People are at the heart of Blick Rothenberg.
Whether it be the colleagues we work with and develop, the clients we build relationships with or the communities we work amongst and support. And with Covent Garden on our doorstep, we have been proud members of the London community for over 75 years. Servicing clients from across the globe, from one central London location.
Who is this event for?
We invite students who are attending university and are considering a career in business, or specifically accounting and finance.
We will be joined by a panel of successful Blick Rothenberg women who will share insights about their careers to date, their journey to Blick Rothenberg, why they decided to pursue a career in accounting and finance and will provide advice on how to navigate the professional world after leaving university.
We ask you to submit a question that you would like our panel to answer on the night.
This will be a fantastic opportunity to mingle and network with other like-minded individuals whilst gaining a first-hand insight into Blick Rothenberg and a potential career within the industry.
Please note spaces are limited and will be offered on a first come first served basis. We recommend registering as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.