Northumbria University

Assessment centres can be daunting, especially if you’ve never attended one before and with the shift to a more digitally focused world, law firms are also moving to digital platforms to assess their candidates. Our campus manager Shelly is joined by ex-Freshfields lawyer, Jake Schogger who are here to give you their top insights on how to successfully navigate the different tasks you’ll face during virtual assessment centres. In this session you’ll gain the key skills to tackle these tasks confidently, learn how to maintain professionalism and impress firms (virtually!), as well as boost your overall employability.

The agenda for the webinar is as follows:

  • Boosting your employability using virtual resources.
  • The platforms used for virtual assessment centres.
  • Key tips to help you come across as professional during video interviews.
  • The potential structure of virtual assessment centres: ice breakers, competency/motivation interviews, group exercises, brainteasers, presentations/case studies, psychometric/e-track tests.
  • Resilience and confidence.

This is a free virtual event that you can access from anywhere with a laptop and tablet.

You won’t want to miss out on this session - gain key insights that you won’t be able to get anywhere else.