Clients want more from their lawyers than just a knowledge of the law. Clients want their lawyers to understand the commercial, regulatory and technical constraints and opportunities in the Sectors in which the Client operates. This is why Sector focus is such an important part of the Gowling WLG approach.

Andrew Newbery has recently become the firm's first Head of Sectors, a role which he combines with fee-earning across several of the firm's Sectors. Andrew is responsible for deepening the ‘sector focus’ element of Gowling WLG's vision and supporting "Sector Leaders" and wider Sector teams in delivering on their growth ambitions.

The firm has a number of Sectors in which our early talent can become involved. If you join Gowling WLG as a trainee, in addition to your Practice Group seat rotation during your training contract, you will – unlike other firms - be formally rotated through two Sectors before you qualify. We also encourage our trainees to contribute to any other Sectors in which they already have some knowledge or a particular interest.

A typical Gowling WLG lawyer has active involvement in several Sectors during their career giving them the opportunity to better understand the commercial, regulatory and technical constraints and opportunities faced by their clients. Simply put, we speak the client's language.

Andrew will explain more about Gowling WLG's Sector programme and the opportunities for our trainees and lawyers within it. Andrew will also introduce Robert Armour who is a leading light in our Nuclear Sector.

Robert will explain what drew him to the nuclear industry and then to Gowling WLG. He will explain why, in the coming years, this Sector will present great opportunities to you as highly motivated and bright early legal talent regardless of whether you have a background as a  STEM or Humanities student.