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Pandemic response crucially depends on thought and behaviour. Our collective and individual response before and during the pandemic will depend on which 'model' we have for the threat: we might initially wonder if it is a 'storm in a teacup,' 'an unstoppable tide,' or a 'fire we must put out as soon as possible.'

The metaphors that individuals and policy-makers recruit may be crucial in determining what they do. In the midst of the crisis, we have all needed to change our behaviour radically for unprecedently long periods. What determines whether we can establish and maintain new norms of behaviour? And how will our behaviour change over time - can we keep up social distancing or will our adherence start to weaken? This is a question about how and when we are willing to change our 'social contract' - which connects to basic questions about the psychology of collective action, fairness and ethics. 

Join Professor Nick Chater for this fascinating lecture online.