Graduate insight into securing a Technology Summer Analyst internship with Deutsche Bank

Created on 24 Apr 2018

A huge congratulations to Sydney who managed to secure herself a technology internship with Deutsche Bank. Here she tells us about the interview process and gives some great tips to future applicants. 

Why did you choose this firm and this role?

I have heard many good things about internships at the firm and people being very friendly there. I have also heard a lot about the internships being very hands on and I thought that was exciting. I chose this role because I am extremely interested in artificial intelligence and data science. I enjoy experimenting in my own time with code but I wanted to gain more industry knowledge in those areas to help me decide which path I would like to go down.

What was the toughest part of the application process? And your favourite part?

The toughest part was the case study presentation at the assessment centre. I had never done a proper presentation before so it was a bit daunting but luckily it is a skill that you can develop and learn. My favourite part was the phone interview and the competency-based interviews at the assessment centre because all my interviewers were so friendly and it made the interviews enjoyable.

Were you surprised by anything in the process?

I was surprised by how friendly all my interviewers were because you always hear horror stories of really stern interviewers who ask you impossible questions but I didn't experience that. It's not as bad as it seems.

What three top tips would you give your fellow Bright Network members?

1. Be yourself. I know everyone always says it and it is easy to say but it really does make a difference. Showing your personality and not being a robot-like character in an interview can give you the edge as it makes you memorable and hopefully the interviewer can feel a warmth from you.

2. Scrub up on current affairs that are relevant to the job you are applying to. This shows you are interested in this area and you are applying there because it is something that interests and excites you. Also, make sure you revise any terms or technical definitions relevant to the job that may come up in interviews.

3. Don't panic if you get anything wrong or mess up your presentation. My presentation was not the smoothest but every time I had a blunder I carried on and didn't panic as then I knew I would stumble over my words more. There is no need to worry because you can only do your best.

What was the toughest question you faced at interview?

Explain to me how the new amazon shops use AI.

Looking to follow in Sydney's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Deutsche Bank.

Bright Network member, Sydney
Sydney, University of Bristol
Deutsche Bank, Technology Summer Analyst