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BrightLive: Application 101

2 Sep 2020, 4 p.m.

BrightLive is back for the application season and it’s bigger and better than ever!

From Wednesday 2nd September BrightLive is running for 7 weeks to walk you through the application season. According to research, for every graduate vacancy there are 79 applicants, and now more than ever it’s important that you stand out. We have new speakers, new content and new ways to elevate your applications. Join us every Wednesday at 4pm when we will be joined by two experts and you’ll have the chance to put your key questions regarding everything applications to the speakers in a Q&A section.


Frequently asked questions

What is BrightLive: Application 101?

With application season upon us, we have launched a new virtualwebinar series so you can learn how to create applications that will blow recruiters away. Gain top insights from our very own Bright Network application team who will tell you everything you need to know (that you wouldn’t know otherwise) about the application process. You’ll learn how to progress through the screening process, how to succeed in the psychometric tests and much more. We’re here to make this process a lot more manageable and help you succeed.

How to join?

Grab a cup of tea and join us here every Wednesday at 4pm, where we will be talking you through a new step in the application process.

Everybody can join these weekly events for free from anywhere in the world from Wednesday 2nd September. See you there.