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Bright Network International Women's Day - resource hub

Book open Reading time: 4 mins

Bright Network International Women's Day 2024 is taking place virtually on Friday, 8th March. We're looking forward to it and hope you are too! The leading employers joining us (Dare, Lloyds Banking Group, Vodafone, and more) are excited to connect with you and other members to share their insights.

We know attending events can be a bit nerve-wracking for some people, so we want to make sure we provide as much reassurance and guidance as possible to ensure it is a safe place for everyone. To prepare for the event, we suggest taking a look at the resources below.


  • Bizzabo user guide - take a look at this before the event (and feel free to refer back to it during the event too!) to familiarise yoursefl with the virtual platform the event is taking place on.
  • Networking top tips and etiquette - here are some key Dos and Don'ts for networking and access extra resources to feel confident in your networking abilities before the event.
  • Accessibility and inclusion on Bizzabo (virtual event platform) - head to this section to learn about the support available on Bizzabo, from adding closed captions to speaking to a certified Mental Health First Aider.
  • Guild - we have created an online community where you can meet other attendees before the event. Find out more about the community and how to use Guild here, then join the International Women's Day 2024 group via the links in the emails we've sent to you since you got a place at the event (try searching for "Your Application to Bright Network International Women's Day 2024" in your inbox).

Platform capabilities

The event will be run on the virtual platform, Bizzabo. You will be sent a ticket for the platform in advance of the event, which you can use to register and join on the day.

How to add subtitles

We will be sharing live closed captioning during sessions with presentations. These will appear on screen automatically for all attendees. Please note that the captions are live, so they may not be 100% accurate at all times.

For captions throughout the event (e.g. during networking), we recommend using Google Chrome's captions. The Bizzabo platform works best on Chrome anyway, so it's an easy addition to make. 

To add captions, click on the three dots in the top right hand corner of the Chrome window. Head to "Settings", then "Accessibility" and click the on button next to "Live captions" to activate them. Live captioning should then appear on the window when someone is speaking. Please note that you need to be viewing the event via Bizzabo on Google Chrome for the captions to work, and that the captions are live so they may not be 100% accurate at all times.

Screenshot of Google Chrome. An orange arrow is pointing to 3 vertical dots in the top right hand corner. Options from clicking the 3 dots read (in descending order): New Tab, New Window, New Incognito Window, History, Downloads, Bookmarks, Google Password, Extensions, Zoom, Print..., Cast..., Find..., More Tools, Edit, Settings, Help. Another orange arrow is pointing to the ‘Settings’ option and it’s highlighted.A screenshot of the settings page on Google Chrome. An orange arrow is pointing to the ‘Accessibility’ option in the sidebar, two-thirds of the way down the left-hand side of the page. It is highlighted. The middle of the page shows the title ‘Accessibility’ , with the first option (titled ‘Live Caption’) highlighted. The on/off toggle is blue (switched to On) and there is an orange circle around it.

How to access the Helpdesk

If you require any help on the day (this can range from technical difficulties to further guidance), we will have a virtual helpdesk open all afternoon. To access, head to "Agenda" at the top of the Bizzabo page and scroll down to find "Bright Network Help Desk" (see screenshot below). You can go here at any point during the event for support from someone from the Bright Network team. We have mental health first aiders in the team, as well as experts on the Bizzabo platform.

Screenshot of the ‘Agenda’ page on a Bizzabo (online virtual platform) event. The word ‘Agenda’ at the top of the page has an orange circle around it, so does a tab title saying ‘All Sessions’ in the middle of the image. Underneath this, there is a schedule. Circled in orange on the schedule is a box reading “1:00PM - 6:00PM GMT+1 (5 hours) / Bright Network Help Desk”.

How to edit your profile

If you feel comfortable, we welcome all attendees to add their name, preferred pronouns, university and even a photo to their Bizzabo profile. By adding pronouns, it creates a more inclusive space. Adding your university and a photo can make it easier to connect with the employers and other attendees. 

To update your profile, just click on your display picture in the top right hand corner of the Bizzabo page. Click "Edit", add any information you'd like the employer representatives and other attendees to see, then click save! Screenshot below to help.

Screenshot of the ‘Profile’ page on a Bizzabo (online virtual platform) event. An orange arrow points to the top right-hand corner where a thumbnail of a profile picture sits. In the centre of the image is a pop-up box where you can edit your profile. It shows options to edit your first name, last name, LinkedIn profile, Twitter profile, company, company website, role, ‘About me’ bio, country and state. The image shows the user adding ‘(she/her)’ pronouns after their surname in the section for ‘Last Name’.

Additional support

Auditory and visual support

As previously mentioned, closed captioning can be added to all sessions via Google Chrome.

The hosts', speakers' and panellists' introductions will include an audio description for any attendees with visual impairments. For example, "My name is Hester and my pronouns are she/her. I'm the Senior Events Marketing Executive at Bright Network. I'm a white female in her early twenties with curly ginger hair. I'm wearing a green t-shirt and behind me is a busy office."

Mental health support

If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed at the event - either because of anxiety, autism, or anything else - we have lots of support available, please don’t suffer in silence.

A mental health first aider from the Bright Network team will be available throughout the event for anyone who feels like they need to speak to someone. Please find them at the Bright Network Help Desk on the Bizzabo platform or email To learn more about our mental health support - meet Katie, our certified Mental Health First Aider.

Anything we haven’t covered? Get in touch!

If you need support with anything prior to or during the event, or have any questions, please don't hesitate to email us at and we'd be more than happy to help. Additionally, if you have any requirements that would help you access our event better, please let us know and we can make suitable arrangements.