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Problem-solving skills: What are they? + examples

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Problem-solving skills are essential in all types of workplaces as well as in your wider life. This article takes you through the different types of problem-solving skills including how to improve them and demonstrate them in the job application process.

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What are problem-solving skills?

Having great problem-solving skills allows you to handle situations you don’t expect or challenges you may face at work. Being able to utilise your problem-solving skills means you can assess complex problems well and form effective solutions. Not only is this great for your personal and professional lives; it makes you a valuable asset to any team.

These skills are crucial at all stages in your career, and strong problem-solving skills are important in a wide variety of jobs. Problem-solving skills are closely related to decision-making skills and communication skills. In order to effectively understand the problem and relay your solution, you need to communicate effectively with your team, plus be decisive in the approach you collectively take to the problem.

Examples of problem-solving skills

Problem-solving can be split into various different skills which help build up your ability to effectively resolve an issue. Here are five potential sub-skills of problem-solving that you can use:

Research skills

This relates to your ability to find, draw out, organise and assess available information on a certain subject or situation. This includes data collection, time management, critical thinking and detail orientation, among other skills. Research skills are crucial when problem-solving so you have access to the correct information to solve the problem. 

Learn more about research skills and how you can develop yours.

Analytical skills  

Having great analytical skills means being able to effectively unpick a situation by effectively using the data available to you. Therefore, analytical skills are a combination of data analysis, critical thinking and visualisation among others. 

Decision-making skills

Whenever you choose to do something in your daily life, whether professional, academic or personal, you are demonstrating decision-making skills. Having effective decision-making skills means combining several aspects which you use to make the best decision in a given scenario, including logical reasoning, intuition, teamwork, conflict resolution, organisation and emotional intelligence.

Project management skills

In your professional life, there are likely to be projects or tasks that you’re assigned or you take on which you lead. This could be anything from minor tasks to shaking up a whole area of the business. Regardless of the size, if it’s your project to own, it requires project management skills. This involves communication, negotiation, time management and leadership to get your project done efficiently and within the agreed timeframe.

Want to learn more? Read this project management skills article.

Assessment skills

This is your ability to recognise how well something or someone has done. It might be reviewing the work a colleague has completed and addressing what needs to be improved upon and where the work is great, or it might be reflecting on an event, meeting, strategy session or other which you’ve been a part of or run recently and identifying the strengths and weaknesses. Assessment skills mean you can effectively assess the success of something and sometimes involve data analysis and interpretation skills to understand the full picture.

How to improve problem-solving skills

The level of your problem-solving skills is by no means fixed and you can take easy steps throughout your working day to improve upon them. Even if you have very strong problem-solving skills, it’s worth identifying if there are areas you could improve on. Follow these simple actions to improve your problem-solving skills:

Practice. The best way to improve on a skill is to take the time and practise it. This could include volunteering yourself to help when an issue arises at work or at home, identifying a long-standing issue and finding a solution for it or asking your friends, family or colleagues if there’s anything they’re stuck on that you can help with.

Be solution-focused. This may require a shift in mindset on your part. If you identify a problem or someone reaches out to you with a problem, instead of worrying about the issue itself, focus instead on the reasonable steps you can take to find a solution. Put the emphasis on finding an answer rather than over-assessing the problem.

Learn from others. A great way to learn is from others. If you can see a colleague or peer that is particularly good at solving problems, watch them! See what their process is and how they go about dealing with an issue. You can even ask them questions about how they came to a conclusion or practically solved the issue.

Improve your technical knowledge. Some problem-solving comes from having a greater understanding of the issue that you’re facing. For example, if you’re struggling to get a piece of software to do what you need it to, learn more about the software. You could watch videos, contact colleagues or peers who use the software more than you or even ask on a forum or the company’s helpline.

Use brainstorms to assess your ideas. Not all problem-solving needs to be done alone. A fantastic way to improve your skills is to learn from others. Try brainstorming with peers or colleagues around a problem and have each member of the group think up an idea on how you can resolve the issue. This way, you can bounce ideas off of each other and hopefully find a sensible solution collectively.

Simplify situations. Try not to over-complicate the issue. If you’re struggling to find the solution to the problem as a whole, break it down into a series of smaller issues to which you can find answers more easily. 

Seek feedback. Learn from experience. If you’ve recently worked on or solved a problem, ask the people you worked with, perhaps a colleague or a peer, to give you some feedback on how they think you did. Consider asking them some structured questions which would help you learn from the experience and their perspective of how you’ve performed so you can improve for next time.

How to include problem-solving skills in a CV

Your CV is the ideal place to highlight all the great skills you’ve acquired to demonstrate why you’d be a fantastic employee in any role. Since problem-solving is such a widely sought-after skill, including it in your CV is a great way to make yourself noticed and prove you have the skill set the employer is looking for.

We recommend having a specific section in your CV dedicated to your skills under your employment history. In this section, you can name the skill, for example, problem-solving, project management and analytical skills. After you’ve named the skills, we recommend including a very brief one-line description of when you either acquired the skill or demonstrated it in your working, personal or academic life. This way, you’re proving you have the skill rather than just naming it.

Need some help making sure your CV is ready for applications? Read our guide on how to write a CV including some great templates for you to download and customise.

How to include problem-solving skills in a cover letter

Much like including your problem-solving skills in your CV, demonstrating them in your cover letter is another great way to get noticed by employers. This is your opportunity to expand on what you’ve written in your CV, so make sure to include practical examples on when you’ve shown the skills you’re claiming to have.

There are many ways that you can do this, and it depends on the structure you’re using for your cover letter. If you have lots of work experience, you can structure your cover letter around the different jobs you’ve had. Alternatively, if you don’t have a great deal of experience, you can structure your cover letter around the skills you’ve acquired throughout your professional, academic and personal life. Here are examples of how you can do this:

Example 1

In my role as a customer service advisor, I demonstrated clear problem-solving skills. One of my tasks included helping make sure the shop was tidy and had no safety hazards for customers or staff. I recognised that customers were repeatedly leaving large items out of the shelves that they were meant to be stored in which blocked a fire door and therefore was a safety hazard. After identifying this issue, I reviewed the aisle and located a position away from the fire door which had smaller items being stored there. With the permission of my manager, I swapped over the items, preventing the hazard from reoccurring.

Example 2

I have demonstrated my problem-solving skills in my prior experience. When I was social secretary for the History Society at my university, I was involved in organising the annual ball for our members. The first venue I booked for the event was cancelled just a week before the ball was supposed to take place. Instead of cancelling, I assessed the situation and researched local venues which would accommodate us. I found two possible options and managed to negotiate a reduction in price compared to the original quote. As such, we were able to secure a bigger venue allowing for more attendees to the event and saving money.

Need some help making sure your cover letter is perfect for your applications? Read our guides on how to structure a cover letter and how to write a good cover letter

Problem-solving interview questions and answers

Since problem-solving is such a key skill employers look for, it’s not uncommon for employers to ask you questions about it during an interview. In most cases, they’re trying to fully understand how you have dealt with a situation in the past, so they have an idea of how you would perform and behave if you were to solve a problem as their employee. Here are 10 interview questions about problem-solving that you might be asked at your next interview and examples of how you could respond:

What process do you follow when you identify a problem?

In general, I identify the problem, recognise all the factors influencing the problem I can, consult with someone else to make sure I’m not neglecting any factors, provide several solutions, assess the impact of each solution and select the solution which best solves the problem with minimal negative impact and maximum positive impact. One example of this was when I was part of a university society working to get sponsorship for our events. One local company approached us and suggested sponsoring us, but the company didn’t quite match the ethos of the society. After considering it myself and speaking with other committee members, we decided to go ahead with the sponsorship on the basis that the messaging of the company didn’t clash with or undermine that of the society and the money from the company could be used to do a lot of good in the community we’ve built.

How would you resolve an issue with an unsatisfied customer or client?

When working in retail, I occasionally had to deal with unhappy customers as this is part of the service. One time, a customer came in complaining that they had seen an item on the website but couldn’t find it in-store. I explained that we don’t offer the entire range of items from the website, but the customer was unhappy having travelled to get here. Instead of escalating the issue to my manager, I worked with the customer to find the item they wanted, order it for home delivery and secure them a small discount which they were eligible for but weren’t aware of.

Talk about a situation where you’ve had to change your approach at the last minute

Whilst studying, one of the projects for a module I completed was a group project. My group consisted of four members including myself. We all agreed to collaborate on the task and then set ourselves the task of collecting data on a topic we agreed upon and coming together to combine it into a presentation and practice before the assessment. However, one member of the group became unwell a week before the presentation. Therefore, I was sent all the information that the group member had collected so far, researched deeper into the topic since it’s not my area of expertise, and combined my existing information with the group member’s and my additional research. Overall, we had a very successful presentation which we scored highly in. 

Talk about a time you’ve taken charge when solving a problem

During my time working in retail, my manager left the store to deal with a delivery and my colleague and I stayed to serve customers. During the time my manager was unavailable, one of the tills stopped working, cutting down the number of customers we could serve at one time by half. Instead of running out to get my manager to deal with the issue, I told my colleague to continue serving customers with the working till while I troubleshot the issue, first with my own understanding of the system and then by calling our IT-Support who were able to access the till remotely and resolve the fault.

To sum up

To summarise, here are the most important pieces of information for you to take away:

  • Problem-solving is a highly sought-after skill by employers. You should be able to demonstrate an instance in which you’ve dealt with a problem, either on your own or with a group, to show the employer you have the skill.
  • Problem-solving includes several different skills including analytical skills, research skills, decision-making skills, project management skills and assessment skills.
  • There are numerous ways for you to improve your problem-solving skills, so don’t feel that you can’t get better.

You can include your problem-solving skills in your CV and cover letter and talk about them in an interview to help you show an employer you’re a great candidate and have the right soft skills for the role. Want to improve on other soft skills? Read our soft skills employers value article.

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