In partnership with DMJ Recruitment, we are pleased to invite you to apply to join us for an Insight Day hosted by EY where they will offer a practical and interactive way for students and graduates to experience the role of the governance professional in their organisation and industry. 

Places for this event are limited, and applications will be vetted, so please take time to consider your application and put thought into your responses. You will be asked to submit a CV with your application. This will be used as part of our consideration process.

This insight day gives you a fascinating look behind the scenes at the life of a governance professional and offers tips and advice on starting your career.

To help you make the most of your application, here are some useful hints and tips or what to consider:

  • Research what a governance professional is and does – Discover Governance
  • Research a bit about EY, and why you are interested in this industry
  • Think about why a governance role appeals to you

Applications are now open

To apply for this Insight Day, please complete this form and send it, along with a copy of your current CV to Please title your email EY Insight Day 2021.

We will review applications as they are submitted, and if you are successful, you will receive an email that includes a welcome, suggestions for getting the most out of the day and joining instructions.

Please remember that this is a limited opportunity. If you are accepted and can no longer attend, please email and let us know as soon as possible so that we can offer your place to another candidate.