Joseph’s insight in to securing a Programme Support Executive role with Bookmark Reading Charity

Created on 2 Dec 2021

We recently spoke with Joseph about how they secured a role with Bookmark Reading Charity, how Bright Network helped them secure the role and their top tips for members looking to follow in their footsteps.

We recently spoke with Joseph about how they secured a role with Bookmark Reading Charity, how Bright Network helped them secure the role and their top tips for members looking to follow in their footsteps.

What stood out to you about Bookmark Reading Charity?

I remember attending the Bright Network Internship Experience UK 2021 (Public Sector, Policy and Charity stream) and hearing Nel Flint and Kitty Higgins talking about the Bookmark mission. It stood out to me because of how simple their message was - too many children leave primary school without being able to read! Supporting children with extra reading sessions and helping as many children as possible to read a book, or a utility bill or an email is our duty and adults and I’m proud to be part of this charity!

How did you build your commercial awareness before the interview?

I learned everything there was to learn about Bookmark Reading Charity. I scanned every inch of their website, scouted their LinkedIn profile and relevant posts, and read their impact reports to learn more about the company and its culture. I also tune in regularly to Bright Network’s ‘Thinking Commercially’ podcast and channelled some of that knowledge in preparation for my interview.

What would be your top tip to members going through the application process?

Persevere and be patient. I think that, over the course of the past two years, I’ve applied for somewhere between 80 and 100 graduate schemes and/or full-time roles in total. I know the feeling of being rejected (sometimes as quickly as within five minutes of submitting an application) can be overwhelming sometimes, but you have to stay dedicated and keep your head up. I would advise other members to also be vigilant when applying for jobs. It’s better to keep an eye out for jobs that actually appeal to you (like Bookmark for me) rather than applying to everything under the sun.

How did Bright Network help you secure this role?

I have been a Bright Network member since around April 2020. I have participated in so many webinars that the Bright Network team have hosted. This has been so helpful in learning more about the graduate job market and building my commercial awareness. Attending Bright Network Internship Experience UK 2020 & 2021 was particularly valuable in helping me identify which companies I could definitely see myself working for.

What’s been the toughest interview question you've faced and how did you tackle it?

I can’t remember which organisation I was interviewing for but they gave me a really broad question: ‘What would you say is one of your most important values’. The difficulty with questions as general and broad as this is relating it back to the role and company you’re applying for. In terms of my approach, I remained calm, took a moment to really think about my answer and then relayed that back to the interviewer.

Did you use Bright Network Academy in your career search and if so, how did it help you?

I did use Bright Network Academy, specifically the Technology Academy to complete an ‘Introduction to Python’ course. I studied a module in computer science during my master’s degree and thought this would be the perfect course to consolidate my knowledge. This was helpful in providing evidence of coding experience for roles related to computer science and data analysis!

What top three tips would you give Bright Network members looking to follow in your footsteps?

  1. Perseverance - stay focused and motivated on your job search and remain patient. It took me a year and a half after graduating to secure my first role!
  2. Vigilance - scout the graduate job market thoroughly and only apply for jobs that really appeal to you and where you think you’d be a good fit!
  3. Networking - it never hurts to ask a friend or a connection for some career advice!
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Looking to follow in Joseph's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Bookmark.

Bright Network member, Joseph
Joseph, University of Southampton
Bookmark, Programme Support Executive