Sarah’s insights into securing an Analyst role at Bank of America

Created on 10 Feb 2022

We recently caught up with Sarah about how she secured an Analyst role with the Bank of America, her top tips for the application process and how Bright Network helped her secure the role.

What stood out to you about Bank of America?

The international presence of Bank of America stood out for me. I have always wanted to work at an international company because they offer so many learning and growth opportunities. I had attended an insight day at Bank of America in the past and I had spoken with some graduates and knew this was somewhere I would love to work.

How did you build your commercial awareness before the interview?

I made sure to be up to date with the initiatives they have at Bank of America including understanding how local and international communities are being positively impacted through the work they do. I had studied their website to make sure I knew about their latest updates.

What would be your top tip to members going through the application process?

Network and network! Networking is very important, especially to get a feel of the company's culture. You can only develop an impression of the company's culture through speaking to someone. For this reason, developing your network is key especially with those working in the company you would like to work at.

How did Bright Network help you secure this role?

Simply signing up to the community and attending their events helped to open my vision. I attended the Women in Leadership event in 2018 where I had the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and speak to large corporates. This inspired me to work at a large corporate.

What’s been the toughest interview question you've faced and how did you tackle it?

Questions on commercial awareness was an area that I used to struggle with. However, I have learnt the importance of researching and truly understanding what the firm is doing and how they position themselves against their competitors. Also, I found googling typical interview questions and preparing for these questions helped me to feel more confident and prepared for the interview.

What top three tips would you give Bright Network members looking to follow in your footsteps?

  1. Network
  2. Be proactive
  3. Ask questions
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Looking to follow in SARAH's footsteps? Discover live graduate opportunities with Bank of America.

Bright Network member, SARAH
SARAH, Goldsmiths, University of London
Bank of America, Analyst