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Meet our Bainies: Noush Patel

I joined Bain in January 2020 as an Associate Consultant having taken part in Bain London’s first True North Workshop for women in 2018. Prior to joining Bain, I studied maths at the University of Oxford and spent 6 months travelling between my graduation and joining Bain.

Over the last three years I have worked on a variety of cases in industries such as energy, telecoms, social impact and even a retail project involving travel to India! Recently, I have joined Bain’s Private Equity Group.

True North Scholarship Experience

Prior to participating in TNS, I had virtually no knowledge of consulting. The workshop appealed to me as a low-stress way of learning about the industry without committing to a full-on 8 week internship over the summer holidays.

The workshop itself took place over two days in June, in the Bain London office. There were a variety of sessions designed to introduce us to consulting in general, learn about working at Bain specifically and opportunities for us to get to know other workshop attendees and Baineis in smaller group settings. A highlight for me was getting to know the other attendees, it was really interesting meeting new people in a similar situation to you and I am still good friends with some of them 4-5 years later!

My favourite session of the workshop took place on the second day, where we were split into smaller groups to solve a problem for a client. I was immensely impressed by the effort Bain put into this activity, each small group had two Bainies as dedicated support and they had even brought in real clients for us to interview and to present the outcomes of our analysis. This was an excellent way of seeing what it is like to be an Associate Consultant at Bain and the Bainie supporting the workstream I was on took the time to give us 1-1 feedback, stayed in touch and offered to do some interview practice with me before interviews.

The workshop gave me the confidence that consulting was definitely an area I would be keen to work in in the future - ideally at Bain after everyone I met was super nice and friendly! When I got the phone call offering me a job at Bain I knew I would be accepting in without a doubt!

How TNS has helped me at Bain

I am a huge promoter of TNS and have helped to support the workshop in a variety of ways every year since I have been at Bain. One of the highlights of this is getting to know attendees from more recent workshops, supporting them through the interview process and keeping in touch with them as they progress through their Bain careers and beyond – today, there is a great, little community of former True North attendees at Bain!